
A Step by Step Guide


How to make Home a Layout?

1. Go to Pages Panel, click on the Settings (gear) Icon.
2. On top right click on the home icon.
3. Click on Make home page.

How to change/edit Headings, paragraphs, links, etc?

You can style all these elements by going to the Style Page, once there:
1. Find the element you want to style.
2. Go the Style Panel and click on the selector input box and select the last option "All X "
3. Scroll down and under Typography make the necessary changes.

How to change the percentage bars

1. On the Navigator Panel find the element called Lines that is inside Percentage Bar.
2. Go to the Style Panel and change the Percentage Position to the desired one.


Use same size for your work images.

We recommend to use the same size for all your work images, preferably in high quality, other way images will look like as uneven on the grid.

Optimize your Images.

In order to achieve better loading time we recommend to optimize all your pictures using services like

Update the Notifications email address

If you want to receive the messages from your contact form you need to update the Notification email address.


Need Further Help?

Please drop us and email and I'll get you back as soon as possible.

Template Version

Current Version

1.0 Initial template version